Live Link is an innovative tool capable of identifying live music user-generated content in near real time.
Identifying hard-to-find user-generated content (UGC) online can be a revenue opportunity for labels, publishers, and music rightsholders. However, the success of these opportunities depends on the speed of identification. This is why Song Sleuth has created Live Link, a tool capable of identifying live music user-generated content in near real-time.
The Problem: Missed Revenue Opportunities
The article “What is UGSeeker?” discusses the various reasons why user-generated content identification is an important breakthrough for the music industry. As outlined, some of the challenges the industry currently faces include disorganised data, outdated formats, and inadequate identification systems.
Identifying user-generated content can be a valuable source of income for many industry stakeholders, but there are still more opportunities to be explored. UGC videos that Song Sleuth can discover on YouTube include remixes, tutorials, instrumentals, and live performance videos. However, the identification process happens a posteriori which can hinder monetisation efforts. For example, suppose a user-generated content (UGC) video is claimed on YouTube six years after its publication.
In that event, the royalties received by the rightsholders will correspond only to the revenue generated from that moment onwards. As it is not possible to backdate claims and receive past earnings, it’s important to identify and claim the video or content as quickly as possible. Knowing the release date of UGC videos is crucial to help with efficient monetisation.
Live performance UGC is a unique category, as publication dates can often be predicted based on the live performance date or touring schedule of an artist. It’s also important to note that these types of UGC usually have a dwindling rate of views – and consequently ad revenue – as time goes on. This is because the number of views is highest when the performance or concert is a hot topic and in the news cycle. So it really is in the rightsholders’ interest to claim UGC as near as possible to the publication date. In addition to monetisation, the identification of these videos provides valuable real-time analytics and insights for artists’ teams, tour organisers, and others.
There is currently a significant gap in information about what occurs during live performances that could be filled by technology analysing user-generated videos that capture these moments.
The Solution: Live Link
Live Link is a tool that uses UGSeeker technology to identify user-generated content related to live performances in near real-time. By monitoring musical tours and performance dates, music rightsholders can claim and monetise the content from the moment that it is uploaded to YouTube.
In addition, analysing these videos provides valuable insights that can inform artists’ marketing campaigns, improve performance strategies, and inform event setlists, as we’ve mentioned.
The application of this tool can lead to many fruitful outcomes tailored to each client’s needs. Song Sleuth has informed partners on new marketing, revenue, and licensing opportunities, from finding content that otherwise would not be detected by other detection systems to gathering insights on the audience’s behaviour and decisions.